1 World Retail Congress sessions
RAI Amsterdam - 2019

Watch the interview →

2 Talks at Monzo
Monzo - 2019

Watch the talk →

3 Talks at Starling
Starling Bank - 2018

Read the press release →
Watch talk on developer webhooks →

4 Launch day
Percent, Soho - 2020
Watch an overview of fundraisers→
Try the app →

5 Team presentation for the Business Sec. Liz Truss
Starling Bank - 2017

Twitter →

6 Google Education talk
BETT London - 2014

~ Mobile

Client: Umber

Umber has been the biggest engineering project I've undertaken, building the entire engineering stack from Mobile to Backend by myself in just a few months, whilst making decisions with growth and scale in mind. More information can be found under the Backend & DevOps header.

I settled on using TypeScript across the board, using React Native for mobile development. Additional libraries used include:
  • MobX State Tree (MST) as a central data repository
  • apisauce for backend calls to our RESTful API
  • AsyncStorage with MST integration
  • React Navigation 5
  • Reactotron integration for debugging

I built our JWT-powered auth library in house, and additionally built new custom libraries for Animated Liquid Gradients (both in backgrounds and text), as well a custom cross-platform Haptics library for tactile feedback when performing actions in the app.

Plaid's SDK is used for the initial account linking, and requests to fetch a user's balance reccurs on app opening and every 3 minutes thereafter. Chats have also been built in house, from design to the caching/fetching implementation.

Ping me if you'd like to try out the app.